Thursday, March 11, 2010

How about some oil drilling

Are the members of congress and the president out of their minds, or are they simply working for people other than Americans?

The one problem easiest to immediately solve is our dependence on our enemies for oil.

Our elitist government does not really care if taxpayers pay a high cost for gasoline. Obama sees it going over 7 dollars a gallon.

But, what do they care. We pay for their gasoline along with enormous salaries, expenses, pensions, outrageous salary increases and health care, just to mention a few of their perks.

They have an arrogant nerve doing the things they do while celebrating a 90% disapproval rating from legal citizens of the United States.

They should all be turned over to Sheriff Joe, forced to wear pink underwear and live in tents in the desert.
Of course, some of them might relish the pink underwear.

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